Huawei P9 Plus: Monochrome Lens

If you have seen my Instagram and wondered why this Swee Ann keeps posting and tagging @huaweimobilemy #OO #HuaweiP9 #HuaweiP9MY, like I'm selling the phone damn hardcore like that (Quoted by a collague. lol). Here's the reason why:
Huawei Malaysia is organising this photography contest which is open for all P9 users! 
HELLO #challengeaccepted! They are currently in the 5th and final week challenge- Vivid Colours of Malaysia.

When I first submit my photograph on the 3rd week's challenge, I thought I stood a chance to win the weekly prize which is a Huaweir smart watch! No news yet tho. But, sooner and later, more and more people joined and posts even more prettier pictures. *bidsgoodbyetowatchandLeicacamera

Anyway, just for the fun of it, we just thought to continue submitting our pictures for the 4th week challenge -Streets of Malaysia.

To go with the theme, we thought of Pudu Wai Sek Kai - famous for its street food.

To begin with, luck was kinda at our side. It was a mixture of drizzle and rain, making the street less crowded and easier for us to get the whole picture of the street.

But on and off, we got that "look" from some strangers wondering why are we spending so much time clicking here and there, wondering what is so nice about this street.

We took several shots and thought that it's even prettier taken with its monochrome lens. (so much feels in the picture. lolol

From here onward, the pictures are all taken using the monochrome lens in the night. 

When the rain comes and goes, we settled down with Lok Lok. Omo, such bliss with the chilling environment. This is what comfort food is all about.

The unusual quietness, due to the rain.

 "One of the ways to get to know the locals' culture is through street food."

Here, foods are prepared by the locals. 

"Every building has it's own story"
(Notice how it can capture the wall's pattern)

"Tree is the living witness from the past"

Hahaha is it you feel my photography skills level up already? 

Totally liking the monochrome capture. And, this is NOT to be put at the same level with black and white filter yo. It's different.



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