Mason Jar Meal 2: Miso Pasta Soup

*squeals* Can you spot my Hello Kitty pasta? 😍

Continuing my Mason Jar Meal today. Cause I wasn't really satisfied with the Kimchi one.
Well, turns out to be quite nice! 😆 😂
This only takes 30 minutes.

How to:
  1. Soup base: A spoonful of miso paste, some soya sauce and sesame seeds.
  2. Meat: Shredded chicken meat (boiled with the pasta)
  3. Egg tofu
  4. Vege: One Japanese Cucumber (Shredded without the seeds)
  5. Pasta (boiled with a little olive oil and salt)
  6. 5 minutes egg! (be extra gentle with it! and continue reading to learn how to do it)

*tears of joy*

I don't have to savour every single of bite of it when I order outside anymore, because I can do it myself.

How to do the 5 minutes egg:
  1. Boil a pot of water.
  2. Lower the fire to simmer when it boils.
  3. Set your phone timer to 5 minutes.
  4. Place egg into the water and start timer.
  5. Remove the egg and place it in a bowl of cold water.
So easy right? 

Ps: Midweek madness. Dead tired.



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